COVID-19 – Social Distancing


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been floating around the world for over three months. First reaching the United States west coast. As of this writing, California is sitting at 3,777 reported.

Schools and companies were sending people home to reduce the spread of the virus. My work was a little slow to make the call, but when they did, we were ready to work remotely (work-from-home).

I’m blessed that I work for a California State entity, and better yet, my job can easily be accomplished from anywhere in the world as long as I have a stable internet connection.

The closures of almost everything, means I have to change my daily workout routine: Generally, I’m at the gym by 6 a.m. I start the routine off with a 10-minute cardio warm-up on a treadmill or rowing machine. Next, I lift weights focusing on two particular body parts. I finish the workout by hitting the stationary bike or elliptical.

Under normal situations, assuming it’s light enough outside, I’ll knock out two 17-22 mile morning workout rides during the week.

My new, quarantine routine, is on rollers. I’ve had this set of rollers since the 2014-2015 timeframe; purchased from Performance BicycleElite Areon (not as fancy as the one at the link). I’ve had to replace two of the drums; they had cracked but an overall good set of rollers.

Rollers in garage
Simple but effective pain room.

How do I get through a one-hour workout? I watch lots of videos. Sometimes I’ll watch a TV show on Netflix. Other times, I’ll pull up one of my Sufferfest videos and ride with the pros.

Stay safe, stay well. Ride on!